Extracts from Parish Registers

1806 – 1934

The extracts from these Parish Registers, from 1879 onwards, were taken from the Parish Magazines.

A short history of the old Parish Registers appeared in the parish magazines during 1879. In 1538 clergy were required by Thomas Cromwell, “Vicar General” to Henry VIII, “to keep parochial registers of all births. deaths and marriages in their respective parishes”.

In the bound register book commencing 1598 is a list of Registers then extant (1598), with the following exceptions, which were lost:

Marriages Burials Christenings
and others incomplete
None of these were entirely missing, but some, about these dates very incomplete

Much of the early writing was very feint and so it had been impossible for the Reverend F J Mount to make complete references to the content of the Registers.

‘The earliest entries are as follows:-“1598. Baptysings-The Seconde day of Aproll was Baptissed Dorite Monerdy, daughter to Thomas. The IVth day of Aproll was Baptissed Tompsson Boarde, daughter to Steven (probably Tomasin of Thomasin). The XXIst day of Maye was baptisesed Thomas Challoner, sonne to Richarde. The XXIst day of May was baptissed _______ Ayllord, sonne to Thomas. The VIth day of June was baptissed John ffowell, sonne to John. The VIth day of June was baptissed John Tirowe, sone to John. The seconde day of Jully was baptizzed Abnne Burte, daughter to Richard.” Including the above there are registered twenty-two baptisms between April 1598 and April 1599.’

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